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Sorodni izdelki

    PHYTOLITE žarnica HPS 250W
    PHYTOLITE žarnica primerna za obdobje cvetenja
    Cena z DDV:
    19,90 €
    Okovje E40
    Keramično okovje E40 (grlo), primerno za HPS in MH sijalke.
    Cena z DDV:
    4,90 €
    Dušilka Green Power 400W
    Primerna je za Natrijeve (HPS) in za Metalhalogene (MH) sijalke
    Cena z DDV:
    52,90 €
    Sylvania SHP-TS 400W HPS
    Sijalka je primerna samo za obdobje cvetenja.
    Cena z DDV:
    27,90 €
    Žarnica HPS 1000W DE EL UHF
    Žarnica HPS 1000W DE EL UHF
    Žarnica HPS 1000W DE EL UHF
    Žarnica HPS 1000W DE EL UHF
    Žarnica HPS 1000W DE EL UHF
    Žarnica HPS 1000W DE EL UHF

    Žarnica HPS 1000W DE EL UHF

    Dimlux HPS DXO 1000/1250W DE EL
    Cena z DDV:
    109,80 €

    DIMLUX DXO 1000/1250W 400V DE EL bulb


    Žarnica za profesionalno uporabo priznanega proizvajalca Dimlux..

    Xtreme long-lasting stays 95% PAR maintenance
    after 10.000h operation!

    The extremely high PAR output and high PAR maintenance provide the best in class grow light and set a new benchmark for all EL bulbs. The bulb produces light mostly in the orange/red part of the spectrum for heavy flowering however, it does produce some light in the blue part of the spectrum making it suitable for vegging.

    By using the most efficient techniques and latest development, the DXO range has an extremely long life and 95% PAR maintenance after 10,000 burning hours.


    The DXO HPS 400V 1000/1250W DE EL bulb is a single-spectrum bulb with the most plant-useable light output of just about any 1000 Watt lamp on the market. The bulb produces light mostly in the orange/red part of the spectrum for heavy flowering however, it does produce some light in the blue part of the spectrum making it suitable for vegging. It has been specifically designed to make the most of your HPS (400 Volt / 1000 Watt) electronic system with boost where it will produce more plant-useable light photons, of a better spectrum, than any other 1000 Watt bulb available.


    specs Dimlux Xtreme Output HPS 400V 1000/1250W DE EL

    Light Output PAR (PPF 400-700nm) 2725µmol/s @1250W
    Light Output PAR Total (PPF 350-800nm) 2997μmol/s @1250W
    System Photon Efficacy PAR (PPE 400-700nm) 2,18µmol/J @1150-1250W
    System Photon Efficacy PAR Total (PPE 350-800nm) 2,39μmol/J @1150-1250W

    Sorodni izdelki

      PHYTOLITE žarnica HPS 250W
      PHYTOLITE žarnica primerna za obdobje cvetenja
      Cena z DDV:
      19,90 €
      Okovje E40
      Keramično okovje E40 (grlo), primerno za HPS in MH sijalke.
      Cena z DDV:
      4,90 €
      Dušilka Green Power 400W
      Primerna je za Natrijeve (HPS) in za Metalhalogene (MH) sijalke
      Cena z DDV:
      52,90 €
      Lumatek žarnica DUAL 600W
      Kvalitetna sijalka Lumatek 600W Dual Spectrum
      Cena z DDV:
      57,95 €


      za nakupe nad 50€

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